
CSP Presents: Raza Grad

Chicano Student Programs hosts an annual end-of-the-year event that celebrates graduating Chicano and Latino Highlanders. The annual RAZA Graduation Celebration is a beautiful event that takes place the week before University Commencement.  The purpose of the ceremony is to celebrate students' personal success and academic achievements in the spirit and traditions of the Chicano/Latino culture. The celebration is dedicated to the graduates’ families and is bilingual. See 2022 UCR Raza Grad Celebration to get an idea of this annual celebration. The ceremony is open to all graduating students (undergraduate and graduate). 

To be involved in the planning for this year's ceremony join the Raza Grad Planning Committee by emailing Bibiana Canales for more information.  

We look forward to celebrating with you!


 Follow Raza Grad on Instagram

While the past few ceremonies were presented virtually, we look forward to returning to a vibrant, in-person celebration with our community. We thank the previous Raza Grad Planning Committees and event sponsors for all their effort in making the virtual ceremony as colorful and memorable as possible.


Watch 2020's Virtual Raza Grad Ceremony


Watch 2021's In-Person Raza Grad Ceremony

Watch 2022’s In-Person Raza Grad Ceremony